Monday, November 29, 2010

Visit with Santa!!

Austin has gotten to visit with Santa twice already this year.  I just loved this pic the most!!  Everytime they asked him what he wanted for Christmas he would say candy!!!  The things he comes up with.  We are very excited for Christmas this year!!  He knows what it is all about and absolutely loves it!! 

Fayetteville Christmas Lights...

 We went to see the lights on the square in Fayetteville.  Austin loves them!!
 Family Photo!!
 Me and my little man! :)
 Austin loves to ride the ponies, they are adorable!!
 Cheesing in front of the Razorback!
 I just love his smile! :)

Friday, November 5, 2010


 That's the cutest cowboy I've ever seen!!!
 Had to get in the tree!!

 He wanted to beat up the ghost!!
 He was serious about some candy!!
 Austin and Aunt Jayme
 Me and little sherrif!!
 Lookin like a real cowboy, well except for the pumpkin...
 One of the houses we went to had all their leaves raked into a pile, Austin had to run and jump into them!!!
 As he says, I LOVE LEAVES!!!
He was a little spooked by this house, of course when he got to the door they had a mothion detector that screamed, that really freaked him out.  He made the man come outside to give him candy. 
 Next house please....
 Headed home...
Checking out all the candy he got, that boy got tons of candy!!!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! at school....

 Austin's class had a Pajama/Halloween Party.  He was so proud of his Spiderman PJ's!!  Don't you love this huge sugar coated smile!!!!
 Happy kid!!
 He was checking out the girl's snacks!!
My buddy!!  Love this smile!! :)

Pumpkin Patch

 We went out to the Pumpkin patch in Pea Ridge with some friends, Bridget and Lake, the boys had a blast picking out their pumpkins.
 Austin and Lake heading out on the barrel ride...
 Austin leading to the way to his pumpkin....
 My little pumpkin....
 Smiling for Mommy on the Hayride...
 Look how big I am!!!
Bridget and Lake on the Hayride.


 Telling the coaches how it is....
 Austin enjoyed soccer but there was a lot of time where he just liked to hang out and chase his own shadow....  :) 
 Headed to the Goal..
 Running with Coach Matt, or "Happy Feet" as Austin likes to call him.
Soccer is over for now, we will see if he still shows interest next fall...