Saturday, February 27, 2010

Jump Zone

Finally, here are some pictures from one of our recent trips to Jump Zone.  It is this great place in Bentonville with all these inflatable slides and bounce houses.  Austin loves it.  Some of the slides are really steep and kinda hard to climb but he has no fear and just goes right to it(as you can see above :))

I'm a Big Boy Now!!

We have been working really hard at potty training and Austin is doing so well.  He is now wearing "big boy underwear" all day during the day.  He has done great and we are really proud of him.  We are almost to the point where he will be able to wear them at night too!!  It is so exciting!!  No more diapers.  Nana got him some Thomas the Train underwear and he is so proud of them!!!!

Mega Blocks

Austin hadn't really showed a lot of interest in legos or mega blocks until recently so we went out and bought a big set for him.  This is a picture of our first big creation.  We had to make sure that his cars and trains could drive around it and had a garage to park in.

The Fort

We were at my Dad's house visiting when Nana came up with the idea to build Austin a fort out of some sheets and the dining room table and chairs.  Of course, Mommy had to go in, and the dog, and all the toys he could fit in there.  He had so much fun climing in and out of it. 

More Snow

We ended up getting more snow and Austin loved it.  He got to make more snow angels in the yard and kept trying to eat the snow.  It was soooo cold outside but he didn't care!!

Jadyn's 3rd Birthday

Austin got invited to go to Jadyn Lichlyter's 3rd Birthday in January and as you can see from the pictures above, he had a blast.  They got to play on trampolines, in a bounce house, and all kinds of fun stuff.